I am watching to the emptiness becaise I to fly. I can't stop thinking about how many birds crossed the sky before me, I want to be like them, but with my own style. I dont know if my wings are strong enough to withstand the flight, but my heart becomes tachycardia just for wanting to fly. My talent is not the best. But knowing that, I want to fly very far, very high. My wishes every day expand more, I do not think what will hapoen to me if I keep my feet on the ground. All my forces are targeted for summer breezes. All goes well until I remember you, that's when I become a sad bird caged in your dreams.
Asleep Stories
lunes, 29 de diciembre de 2014
viernes, 26 de diciembre de 2014
A story with a bit of Christmas Spirit
I've always been curious. Since I was a kid I have had a why? for each argument. But, I love to believe in those things that defy the reason, in those things that just can be explained with these strange feelings that are inside of us. That's why I like to invent and that's why I want to tell this, a story that I read after I imaginated it.
It was a December night, a star had been hung in the sky like one of those pins that indicates where you should go. The baby Jesus was born. Much has been talked about this, it has come down to us and in fact we celebrate those dates. However now there are millions of stars in the sky, some fleeting and more brilliant than the others. But history tells us that the bright star that guided the Magi from the East to Bethlehem, never as been viewed again. At least, I think that the star did not disappear, but it was divided into thousands of luminous particles and took shelter in the eyes of excited children. That bright spark, lives in families that show their love. In the windows of souls that help those who in need it. The star store it in a slight clearly that we in the eyes, and that light is still there to guide our way.
No matter what belief you have, but there is always a light to guide us, real or imagined, that light is always on. If someday your light goes out don't worry, because in the sky there are millions of bright stars, each one illuminating a different path for you. I no longer wonder why there is a magic shine in the eyes of many people.
martes, 23 de diciembre de 2014
Letter to the wind
You are elderly, but
you run fast. In the most beautiful evenings with your caress in my cheek, you
draw me a smile. In the warmer days you make me feel cool, in the coldest
nights you freeze me. You are smile, you are also sadness, when you get angry you
destroy everything, tornado or hurricane you take back the thing you have given.
You're a breath of life and death, joy
and punishment. . How many have not been able to say his last words because you
run out of their senses? Where do you go when I don’t see you, when I don’t
feel you, when you don’t a leaf? I do not care, but wind, who has inhaled you, who
has raised his voice to protest. Tell me how many times you have whispered the song
of love in the ears of the lovers. Tell me wind, the true history of the world,
you know it, your eyes have cried wars, your autumnal breezes have dried the paintings
by Michelangelo. And do not deny it, your arms air has held metal birds, birds
of feather, and birds with broken dreams that fell from the heights. Please
tell me about the deceptions speeches, whether those of Hitler or any virtuous
politician. Note that I just want to know, because someone should tell us,
where are the ashes of the deceased leaved at your luck, or if you're a great
friend of the death. Please wind; tell me about the lies, about the
superstitions of broken mirrors, about witches burned amid riots. Wind you're
still alive, because death does not reach you, give me one second of your time do
me a favor. With your magic transparent, go to the deeper part of a laugh and get out of there very discreet. Please tell me
to ear, of all, their secrets.
domingo, 21 de diciembre de 2014
Give me reasons
Give me reasons to believe in you, to trust you, to give to you my life. Give me reasons to be happy with you, give me reasons to believe in myself. Please give me reasons to dream with you. Give me reasons to love you. But do it faster, because I have reason to forget you.
martes, 16 de diciembre de 2014
Once upon a man who wanted a heart of stone
He was there in the
middle of the square, he was stunned. Maybe he was tired of feeling the things
that happened to him. From that place, where he was standing, he could not see
what was happening behind him. He, human lintel molded sheltered himself under a wet
wing that to his cheeks were tears. So much suffering, no one accompany him, no
one ventured to touch his cold skin. I do not understand. Just remember to be
always in the same place, seeing periods of sun and rain; Occasionally a
rainbow. Without the strength to move, man feels his feet insanely tied to the concrete.
His soul in contraposto dropped his dreams into nothingness.
Behind him sat a boy; but he never saw him. He’s
fixed torso looking to a blind horizon, would not allow him to see the young
man, full of emotions, that sat behind him to perfume absences. The man had the
strength to move, to take risks. Behind his back a young boy coincided with a young
girl. The man, who necessarily had his back to them, felt how the warm marble muse
whispered in the guy’s ear the words that make him take the hand of the young
lady. It took many seconds, minutes, days, hours and nothing changed, all died
in warm farewells that love moon refused to see.
The man who only felt
those goodbyes, thought they both deserve the opportunity to make a
revolutionary eternal farewell, staying together. However, one night after the
usual farewell never seen those young again. Everything faded, sounds departed
in night light to be quiet for the loud wind that cooled the man's sword. What a
suffering for the motionless man who expected to feel at least the tension
weaving spiders destination dying between the two attracting magnets hidden.
Sadness worsened his situation, in front of him cross some people who loved and
were happy apparently. But there was nothing worse than those who photographed
her sad image. Everyone walked away. He did not appreciate anyone who accompany
him, then started to have the idea that the slightest gesture of affection end
in suffering. One evening before his eyes fell a paper saying: "It is
better to suffer for love, than wither on the discomfort of not suffer."
Instantly he reminded
the young couple and seeing how they ended those meetings, could not do
anything than let the scorn and a bluish pain encase it. Thinking that always
end like this he refused to any act of love and affection, to the point that on
the bench behind him no one that feel love seat again. Colder than ice made the
flowers wither in gray clouds. Everything was dying nothing left around. In one
morning he felt something of life that was consuming him. Looking at his empty and
fixed horizon said to himself: I want to have a heart of stone.
It was so deep his
desire that came to the ears of the doer of impossible, the destination. The
fate writing the future of man, grieved for a moment, and before writing what
would happened to the man in brackets wrote: this is the story of a man asking
for a heart of stone, poor naive not
been realized that he was a statue.
jueves, 11 de diciembre de 2014
At sunset
Every evening dusk, because every day has its
night. Can you imagine what would happen if it were always at night? If the nights never contemplate the sunrise?
It would be frustrating, at least I think so. I think that both night and day
are complete elements. Full as a chocolate bar. This makes it boring. Of course, for anybody a
chocolate bar is boring, but I'm sure that when you are opening the chocolate the fun begins. When you start to tear the
paper that cover it, you start fantasizing about the magical chocolate bar.
Same with the day and night, days are
shiny and nights are dark; but when the blinks day dream, cheeks painted a
beautiful red sky. A background scene for lovers, canvas for brush, framed
picture for the memory and death of a day that will drain out of the clock. You
don’t know how, but when the day closes its eyes to start sleeping, everything
rests and prepares to start again with a yawn in the morning. I just think that the sunsets are the most fun
part of the day because it is not clear and not dark and we the people who live
in the minds of the day, we still living during the evenings. But how beautiful
when the sun goes down, kisses melt in the seashore and wild loves hiding. How
beautiful is the end of the day, when colors are mixed, when the light turns
off, when the sun clears the sky. The best
of all is that we know that as long as we are alive, we will have a new evening,
they will be the door to make the day
have insomnia every night.
viernes, 5 de diciembre de 2014
The Scam
The man had come to the town one morning, then, everything was
complicated. It was a long way up there, everything to find that merchant.
The memory of the deadly scam tormented him day and night. He was determined to
confront and take back everything that had been stolen. The sword in
his left hand was disturbing. From the distance
and between the mists, a little business with lights was shining.
The man was walking to the business; the air was impregnated with scent
of alcohol. Behind the counter of establishing a shadow moved with alacrity. It
was the business man. He was frightened. He quickly hid a knife in his pocket
to defend himself in case the meeting took a wrong way. Terrified to see who was, he went out to the
back door and hid in the bathroom.
He does not know what to do. Instinctively he thought of how to defend
against the inevitable. He heard steps approaching to the bathroom. Desperate, he
looked at a window glass that was there. With his fist he broke the glass. He
jumped out the window and went to a small road that went to the central part of
town. Behind him was a faint trace of blood that dripped from his fist.
The merchant, who abused of the trust that was placed in him by man, was
terrified. He started to run. Like 10 minutes later he looked to the back of
the road. Seeing no one, he thought: I have escaped. He was laughing, but the laugh was of short
duration. Because the man, hungry for justice, emerged from the dense
vegetation; and surprised the merchant.
The merchant took out his knife and approached it to the man's neck.
Given this unexpected event, the man surprised the merchant with fencing steps learned at the last
Seeing the ability of the man with that sword, knowing that at any
moment he would be a dead man, with broken voice, the merchant began to give
apologizes very loud, to the four winds. The man without thought, take up the sword
he was carrying in his left hand. Suddenly a light was coming on four wheels.
The light was reflected in the man marriage ring, which still had smell of
jewelry. As of nowhere, they walked on the hands of wind and suddenly the
seconds seemed an eternity, like when you fall from a chair. They fell to the ground
and screaming of pain and they lost consciousness.
When they awoke, they were in a hospital type XXI century, with
fluorescent lights and speakers who called who knows who. The two men were
there, only a curtain divided them, for their misfortune the curtain was attached
to the side of one wall. Also they could only look at each other face because
they were motionless. They could only move their necks. Down the hall, a woman who scratched the
ground was getting closer. Her red dress was witness of a shared love. She
opened the bedroom door, and looked to the men, in that moment; the world was tattooed
with the memory of a scam of love.

viernes, 28 de noviembre de 2014
Lovers' plans
Early in the morning the newspaper announced: Dolton Mate has been found dead. Mr. Dolton was a great businessman. During six years Mr. Dolton and his brother were the owners of the Greatness construction company. The company of these brothers had built the most renowned buildings in New York, the Empire State was their masterpiece. However, the company began to lose money when Dolton invested the profits of the company in technological equipment. Mr Chris, Mr Dolton's twin brother, did his best to keep our work. I am Preig, the assistant chief of Mr Dolton Mate. Well, the ex- assistant, because Mr. Dolton is dead. The police have not found the murderer, but say it was a quick death, enough for the murderer escape without being noticed. My boss, he was killed yesterday when he met his lover Sasha, or at least that was her work nickname. An accurate shot in the heart, spotted one of the streets of Times Square.
In the morning the FBI agents who handled the case, went to the headquarter. They raided the office of Mr. Chris. Through the glass I could see one of the officers kept as evidence a gun of the same caliber as that used to kill Mr. Dolton. The whereabouts of Mr. Chris is unknown. If you think about it, Mr. Chris is the most likely murderer, and that because of Mr. Dolton the company was on the verge of bankruptcy.
That afternoon I went to see Mr. Ely's Mate. Strangely have not a tone of sadness. After a cup of tea that she invited to me, FBI agents arrived. Ely scrubbed her eyes, then some small tears came out . Immediately, told me to leave, so she opened the back door and made me leave. Who knows what's what Ely said, but when I arrived to my apartment two FBI agents were waiting for me. They question me, I had no choice but to confess that I was the lover of Ms. Rossy Mate, the wife of Mr. Chris. For a second they forgot the whereabouts of Mr. Mate, all questions were directed to me asking where Mr. Chris were. However, when I said my version of what happened, they leave me alone. My version coincided with the others' testimonies.
It's been several months, it appears that under the bed of Ms. Rossy, Mr. Chris found Mr. Dolton underwear. Then Ms. Rossy confessed her infidelity. Mr. Chris went to confront his brother, he hit him in the face several times and told him that don't wanted to see him. Mr. Chris walked away, but around the corner Sasha found him, ignoring that Mr. Dolton had a twin brother, she shooted him. According to the police, Sasha wanted to kill Mr. Dolton because he had gone unpaid.
After all, things were not that bad. The Greatness' company were sold. The money was divided between Mrs. Ely and Ms. Rossy. For each one approximately 5 million. At the moment,we (my beloved Ely and I) are in some part of the world enjoying the sun. Rossy who knows where she is, the last time I saw her she was boarding a plane. To not leave you with doubt, I have to say that Sasha achieved her goal of killing Dolton, because he come back to her when he saw his dead brother. She obviously, with great fear murdered him. For the record, I just let underwear of Dolton in Rossy's house, his death was not my fault, my only crime is have been the lover of their wives.
lunes, 24 de noviembre de 2014
Sleepwalking Neurons
Ran, ran, and ran. The road was infinite, a sun lay bleeding on the sand.
The cold was unbearable. On the shore a boat got stuck in a whirlpool. I turned
my head everywhere. Suddenly all the stars of the sky began to fall to the
ground. As a waterfall, they were spilling on the ground leaving huge craters.
I kept running, now inside a building, I was designed to find the fourteenth
floor. I opened the last door it takes me to the roof. I was in Paris, next to a madman who killed
storks. I was scared, and then I moved
to the first floor. I went out using the front door, I stopped. The sun peeked
behind a building; I remembered that I couldn’t be touched by sunlight. I started
to run again, the cold sunlight chasing me was almost touching heels. I impact a
wall. Everything went dark, I saw nothing.
Two seconds later I was locked
in a glass case filled with water. Then I understood. I was having a nightmare.
I touched with my finger one of the walls of the glass cube. I woke up. I look at the clock, it was 12am. Through the
window the sun streamed in. ¿Sun at 12 pm? I wondered. I pinched myself. I
could not believe it, I lay on the pillow, but the sun doesn’t let me sleep. So
I go down the stairs for a glass of water. I walked to the kitchen, I drank
water. I looked to the second floor and I noticed that the stairs were gone. I
started to jump to reach the edge of my room. I was there alone. I laugh at a
bony shadow that was looking at me with his empty eyes sockets. I wondered if he
was seeing me. I don’t know how, but suddenly the floor disappeared. I slid between many rocks and I couldn’t hold
them, because they were freshly bathed and soap made them slip out of hands. It
was about 100m from the ground, the floor looked increasingly closer. Reaching 10
meters I could not scream. 9m, 8m, 7m, 6m, 5m, 4m, 3m, 2m, 1m, just before
touching the ground I woke up.
Yes….I'm awake and I confirm its 4 am, the moon is in her place, I am writing
my dream, I have only couple of minutes before I forget it, I must go to bed,
but I fear having another nightmare again. Now remember that tomorrow I have to
go to that class, to that class that I don’t want to go because I hate it. But
I have an exam. I wonder if I'm still dreaming.
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